The Woodbridge staff ran 42km to bring hope to the children from the Tharros Child and Youth Care Centre

The Woodbridge staff ran 42km to bring hope to the children from the Tharros Child and Youth Care Centre

In the first week of January 2022 ,the Woodbridge staff ran 42km to bring hope to the children from the Tharros Child and Youth Care Centre who suffered the most horrific fire to their centre.

The staff ran 42 km from Woodridge to Hankey ( the home of Tharros Child and Youth Centre).

They raised an incredible R29,135.00 and those funds have been used to rebuild the centre.

Some feedback from Therese Sampson, the Founder of Tharros:

“When Woodridge joined Sport for Lives, we were overwhelmed and so excited that Tharros was their charity of choice. Sport for Lives has opened an avenue for pupils to experience community service in a non threatening and enjoyable manner – the concept is unique, dynamic and truly incredible.”

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