Chris is a passionate high school educator, who has taught for the past 17 years, more recently at Hilton College for over a decade. He is married to Ali who is herself an educator, but now heads up the Amathuba Foundation, an organisation that provides opportunities for disadvantaged high school students. They share a heart for initiatives such as this having been involved in programmes of this kind over the years in the various schools where they have taught. Chris grew up in the Eastern Cape and completed a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and English, while furthering his studies by completing an Honours in Education Management and Law. Living with significance, bringing about change, doing something about the inequality and poverty crisis in South Africa have always been something that Chris has been passionate about. Through the Sport for Lives movement, Chris can fulfil many of these heart’s desires. Chris and Ali have two beautiful children who are equally as excited about Sport for Lives as they are!
Contact Info
Chris Kingsley
Co - Founder