Short Story
GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL(GHS) 1st Team Basketball girls will be playing for a bigger cause at The Val Fowler Basketball Tournament from the 8-10 August 2024 and would like to challenge the rest of the teams playing in the tournament to do so too.
The (GHS) girls, in partnership with Mama Ntombi’s Community Projects, would like to raise R50 000.00 towards; school apparel, stationary for the pre-school scholars, reading books for the preschoolers and primary school learners as well funds towards the construction of flush toilets. This campaign will provide the girls a real-life experience of how sport can be used to make a positive impact in society.
Our girls need YOU to support this amazing initiative. The GHS First Team Basketball girls challenge not only each other to win as many games as possible at the tournament but challenge our parents/companies and the greater GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL (GHS) community to pledge towards this campaign.
You can partner with us to activate generosity by pledging per hoop OR by giving a once-off donation now.
Mama Ntombi’s Community Projects MNCP began as a ministry of The Christian Fellowship church in Easter 2007 in the adjacent Jika Joe Informal Settlement.
We are now formally registered as Mama Ntombi’s Community Projects and developed focus areas (education, health, community development, and sports and welfare) stemming from the needs identified at the adopted areas. Our programmes are operational on a daily basis with exception to Saturdays and public holidays. We care for minimum 450 children in Jika Joe and the Ezinketheni Informal Settlements every Sunday. Along with 30 children in the Northdale area called Rawat Circle.
Our staff compliment comprises of a programme manager and fundraiser, field worker, and play therapist. Other active members of the organization are full-time, part-time, or ad hoc volunteers who play a pivotal role in the efficient running of programmes. These volunteers range from career men and women, students, and pensioners. MNCP has grown over the years and attracted organizations whose contributions make a distinctly positive influence towards our organization reaching its goals. We are extremely grateful to each and every person or organization who gives their time or resources to the benefit of our innocent children.
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me. I was sick and you looked after me. I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Matt 25:35-3