Short Story

My name is Jonatan – I am from Aarhus, Denmark but currently working in South Africa.

I will be running my first ever ultramarathon with the aim of raising funds for a new Work 4 A Living centre in Pietermaritzburg and making a life changing difference to the of women in this area,

Activate Generosity with a once off donation now and help us make a solid difference in these women’s lives. 1 Danish Krone = 2,29 South African Rand

  Mit navn er Jonatan – jeg er fra Aarhus, Danmark, men arbejder i øjeblikket i Sydafrika. Jeg vil løbe mit første ultramarathon nogensinde med det formål at skaffe midler til et nyt Work 4 A Living center i Pietermaritzburg og gøre en livsændrende forskel for kvinder i dette område, Aktiver generøsitet med en engangsdonation nu og hjælp os med at gøre en solid forskel i disse kvinders liv. 1 Dansk Krone = 2,29 Sydafrikanske Rand

Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, Denmark

Run for lives – UltraMarathon for Work4ALiving

R16,144.00 Given so far
R0 Pledged per Result
0 Days Left

Supported so far by 22 people.

Goal: R20,000.00
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In February, my wife and I packed our summer clothes to come to South Africa. Since then we have be overwhelmed with new discoveries about this country. One of them; that Africa is not only warm – writing this in 4°C. Another important one, is that we have seen firsthand just how much potential this beautiful country has, but also how great the inequality in South Africa is, and how that holds people back from fulfilling their potential. On the 21st of August, after only 10 weeks of training, I am going to run my first ever ultramarathon.

I will be running for Work 4A Living to establish a centre in Pietermaritzburg so that they can give disadvantaged women the help they need to not only become employed, but to also excel in the workplace. Doing this run and raising these funds will make a life changing difference to the lives of disadvantaged women in and around Pietermaritzburg.

The purpose is not just to suffer – but to suffer for a great cause!

Join me , the Dane from the flat kingdom of Denmark, in activating generosity as I  take on 50km of steep mountain climbs and descents under the warm African sun.

Work 4 A Living believes in true empowerment, not just handing out jobs or funding to start own businesses. ”To us, this means not only educating people withskills that are valuable, but equipping them with mindsets that empower them to own their circumstances, thrive in their daily work, and have hope for the future.” Work 4 A Living functions by partnering with local organisations and churches, by providing the model, know-how and facilitator training, while the local partner takes on the responsibility of the daily managing. Hope Trust is an organisation set up by the Hilton Christian Fellowship to administer the ministry of mercy and justice to the poor and oppressed in the country. Without networks, family help, or a knowledge of how to pursue a job or career, many people simply don’t know how to progress and thrive. Over 80% of the people who successfully complete a Work 4A Living program get employed, start businesses, upskill themselves, or continue their education. I believe this is an important step in the direction of a more equal South Africa.